How do I add a retainer, pre-payment, or deposit to an Invoice?

  • Updated


A pre-payment can be added to an invoice and have its own due date, separate from the due date of the rest of the invoice and its installments. 

Choose what this payment is called: a retainer, a deposit, or a non-refundable payment.

Create this pre-payment when you initially create the invoice, or mark the first installment as a pre-payment if you already have installments set up for an invoice.


Add a Pre-Payment to an Invoice

1. Select “Edit Invoice” from the overflow button on the top right of any invoice

2. On the Installments tab near the bottom of the page, click the “Add Pre-Payment” button on the right

3. Select a label for the pre-payment (retainer, deposit, or non-refundable payment)

4. Specify whether the retainer should be a fixed amount or a percentage of the total due

5. Select a due date

6. Click “Save”

7. Click "Apply"

You’ll see that this pre-payment becomes the first installment on the invoice.


Set up a Pre-Payment on an Invoice that has installments already created

1. On the Installments tab near the bottom of the page, click the “Add Pre-Payment” button on the right

2. Check the box beside "Mark as Pre-Payment"

3. Make edits or changes as desired

4. Click “Save”

5. Click "Apply" 


Edit or change a Pre-Payment

1. Select “Edit Invoice” from the overflow button on the top right of any invoice

2. On the Installments tab near the bottom of the page, click the “Edit Pre-Payment” button on the right


Remove a Pre-Payment (switch it back to a regular installment)

1. Select “Edit Invoice” from the overflow button on the top right of any invoice

2. On the Installments tab near the bottom of the page, click the “Edit Pre-Payment” button on the right

3. Uncheck the box beside "Mark as Pre-Payment"

4. Make changes as desired

5. Click "Save"

6. Click "Apply"