How do I offer free digital downloads through the shopping cart?

  • Updated

If you want your client to receive a certain number of digital files for free and then the rest would need to be paid for, you may consider this workflow to allow your clients to receive free digital downloads through the shopping cart.

To do this, you will need to create a promo code or an automatic discount for the first "X" number of digitals for free. If you set it up as a promo code, the client will simply enter the code at checkout to get that number of images for free.

If you are not looking to offer paid digital downloads and still want to limit the number of images your client can download, check out this article on setting up Free Digitals within your gallery settings.

Offer Free Digital Downloads through the Shopping Cart

  1. Go to Store > Price Sheets > select the price sheet

  2. Click Discounts along the top of the page

  3. Click Add New Discount and choose Item Discount

    • If you want this discount to require a code, type the code in the box and click Promo Code
    • To limit how many times this code can be used overall, enter a number in the Limit Use box
    • To set an expiration date choose a date in the Expiration Date box

  4. Click Next

  5. Check the box next to the Digital item(s) you would like to offer for free and click Next

  6.  Set Qty as 1 so clients see the discount after adding 1 image to the cart

  7.  Select Each Item Free and enter the number of digital downloads you would like to allow for free in the Times per Checkout field

  8.  Click Save

Be sure you've set a price for these digital items in the price sheet so that if the client adds more than the amount given for free, they will be charged for the extra digital files.

Your clients will go to the gallery, add their desired number of digitals to the cart, and then enter the promo code at checkout.

All of the digital files that the client received for free (and any extra they purchased) will be automatically emailed to them!