The Invoices Report shows yearly sales placed through your sales. When viewing the report, use the "Invoices In" dropdown to select a year. Click Export Report to download a file of your invoice sales for the displayed year.
Columns in the report display the following:
- Payment date - date of the client's payment
- Invoice ID - this is the number given to each invoice in your account
- Amount - amount collected from your client
- CC fees - amount you paid for processing fees
- Type - sale will indicate a credit card transaction
- Transaction ID - this will populate with a Transaction ID if you are processing credit card payment with PayPal Payments Pro, or Braintree
- Check number - this is the check number you've provided for client's check payment
- Sales tax collected - tax amount collected on invoice
- Sales tax percent - tax percent amount set in this invoice
- Sales tax description - the title given to the taxes in this invoice
- Note - client added note to payment