When you make a purchase from the Marketplace, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
1. Due to the nature of digital products, all templates, documents, and materials are non-refundable and not returnable, under any circumstances. All sales are final.
2. The forms and templates contained herein are for general use and do not constitute legal advice. Obtaining documents through this site is done at your own discretion. ShootProof makes no warranty that the products, content, or materials will be accurate and reliable in all instances. ShootProof is not responsible for the content, quality, or merchantability of any information, product, or service offered herein and you assume full responsibility to evaluate independently the accuracy, completeness, quality and legality of any information or other content.
3. You may not claim intellectual or exclusive ownership to any of the products, modified or unmodified. All products are the property of the independent content providers. You may not place any of the products or their content, modified or unmodified, on a drive, CD, website, or any other medium and offer them for distribution or sale of any kind.
4. Your purchase or use of documents, templates, and materials does not create an attorney-client relationship in any circumstance. You are strongly encouraged to consult with a licensed attorney in your area.