Cut down on time-consuming back-and-forth emails and texts with your clients, and give them the control and convenience of fillable forms. Quickly and easily collect valuable client information like home address, venue address, phone number, names, and more - right within their contract.
What is a fillable field?
Fillable fields are fields that you include in a contract for your client to fill in, prior to signing. You can add labeled short and long fields to any contract. Clients are required to fill in all fields before signing the contract.
Short fields are great for names, phone numbers, and addresses.
Long fields can be used for venue descriptions, list of names, etc.
It's important to note that fillable fields must be added to a contract template first. After adding the fields to the template, you can use the template to create a client contract from the template.
How do I add fillable fields to a contract template?
1. Go to Studio > Contracts > Templates
2. Open an existing template, or create a new template by clicking New Template
3. Place your cursor where you'd like the fillable form to go > Insert Fillable Field
4. Choose Short or Long Field
5. Save Template - Now you can use this template to create client contracts!
How do I edit a fillable field in a contract template?
Click on the fillable field within the template > Change
How do I delete a fillable field from a contract template?
Click on the fillable field within the template > Delete
Ready to learn how your client signs a contract with fillable fields? Click HERE!