How do I customize the appearance of my client's gallery?

  • Updated

Give your clients a unique experience by customizing how their gallery looks. Include a Gallery Intro Message, change image size and spacing, promote sales with Gallery Banners, and more, all with just a few clicks!

You can customize the gallery appearance in the Layout and Gallery tabs in the Gallery Settings. To get to those, go to Galleries > All Galleries > Actions (on the gallery you want to update) > Settings. 

Layout Tab

In the Layout tab, you’ll see options for customizing the Gallery Intro Page and the overall gallery layout options.

Banner Image

Toggle this option on to use the gallery (and album) cover image as a banner across the top of the page once in the gallery (or album). The gif below shows a gallery with a banner image. 


Gallery Intro Page

This is the page where your client lands when they go to view their gallery. You have several layout options for this page. Click on each for a preview. 

Intro Page Layout.gif


Photo Layout & Size

You can choose the orientation of the photos on the page - Cascade is more vertically oriented and Subway is more horizontally oriented. 

Orientation Layout.gif


Next, you have options for the size that the photos show in the gallery. This setting does not impact the actual size of your files. 

Image Size.gif


Last, you have options for the amount of space that shows between the photos in the gallery. 

Image Spacing.gif


Gallery Intro Message

At the bottom of the Layout tab, you have the option to set a Gallery Intro Message. This is text or a video that your clients see before they view their images in the gallery. If you enter a text intro message, be sure to add a headline, which will show at the top of the message. 


For a video intro message, enter a headline and then copy and paste the YouTube or Vimeo link. Make sure that the video is set to public in the YouTube or Vimeo settings, or your client won't see able to view it. 

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Gallery Tab

In the Gallery tab, you’ll choose the color set and language for the gallery.

You can include a banner across the top of your gallery to promote a special sale or offer. Enter the text here, and include an optional link if you’d like to direct your client to a different page, such as a blog or your website, for more information. 

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Indicate whether you’d like to show file names in the gallery, add a music playlist (if you have a music subscription), include social sharing buttons for clients to share their galleries on social media, and allow your clients to add a simple B&W filter to their images. 

You can also choose the URL where you’d like your clients directed when they click the website icon in the About tab within their gallery. If you added a website URL in your Contact Info section, then it will show as an option here. 

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While there is a slideshow feature in the client gallery, there are no settings for adjusting the slideshow that shows in the gallery. It is view only and your client can watch it by clicking the Slideshow button in the top right of their gallery.