Custom Trigger-Based Email Campaigns use email templates written by you that are scheduled to send a certain number of days before or after certain gallery trigger dates, like Expiration Date, Gallery Release Date, or Order Due date.
Create a Custom Trigger-Based Campaign
Go to Studio > Email > Templates and create the email template(s) you wish to use
- Then go to the Campaigns tab and click New Email Campaign
- Select the Custom Trigger-Based Campaign option
- Name the campaign
- Complete the necessary information:
- Email template - Choose the template you'd like to start with (you can add more emails later!)
Trigger Type - Choose to send the emails before or after various dates set in the gallery
- These dates can be set in the General tab of the Gallery Settings
- Trigger Days - Choose the number of days for the trigger above
Recipients - Choose the type of gallery visitor that will receive this email or sent it to just the Linked Contact
- Check the box next to Copy Studio on Sent Emails to receive the email as well
- Check the box next to Copy Studio on Sent Emails to receive the email as well
- Click Create Campaign
- To add another email to this campaign, click More Actions > Add Email and repeat the above steps for every email you'd like sent in this campaign
- When you're finished with the campaign, click Assign to Gallery to choose a gallery or galleries whose visitors you'd like to email
- Be sure to set the send time you want on the right side of the page