Custom Date-Based Email Campaigns allow you to choose specific dates to automatically send emails. This type of campaign is perfect for promoting holiday sales or celebrating occasions like birthdays or anniversaries with follow-up emails.
Create a Custom Date-Based Campaign
Go to Studio > Email > Templates and create the email template(s) you wish to use
- Then go to the Campaigns tab and click New Email Campaign
- Select the Custom Date-Based Campaign option
Name the campaign
- Complete the necessary information:
- Email template - Choose the template you'd like to start with (you can add more emails later!)
- Trigger Date - Choose the date that this email will be sent on
Recipients - Choose the type of gallery visitor that will receive this email or send to only the Linked Contact
- Check the box next to Copy Studio on Sent Emails to receive the email as well
- Check the box next to Copy Studio on Sent Emails to receive the email as well
- Click Create Campaign
- To add another email to this campaign, click More Actions > Add Email and repeat the above steps for every email you'd like sent in this campaign
- When you're finished with the campaign, click Assign to Gallery to choose a gallery or galleries whose visitors you'd like to email
- Be sure to set the send time you want on the right side of the page
If you are trying to send an email on the same day you create the campaign, choose a send time in the future.