What are Email Campaigns and how do I send them to gallery visitors?

  • Updated

Email campaigns allow you to schedule emails to send to your gallery visitors at different points in the lifecycle of their gallery. You can set up email campaigns that send based on trigger dates set in the gallery or on specific calendar days. If you’re not sure where to start, use an email campaign that we’ve already built for you, complete with email templates and send-dates based on industry best practices!

Adding email campaigns to your galleries is a great way to increase sales! A well-thought-out series of emails targeted to the right segment of gallery visitors can increase your gallery sales by an average of 37%.

Types of Email Campaigns

  • ShootProof Email Campaigns: This type of email campaign is a series of emails, based on photography genre, pre-written and scheduled to be sent based on gallery expiration dates. If you need a little help getting started writing your emails, this is the best option for you!
  • Custom Trigger-Based Email Campaigns: This type of email campaign allows you to schedule emails to send based on a certain number of days before or after certain gallery dates, like Expiration Date, Gallery Release Date, or Order Due date. For example, if your galleries expire after three weeks, you might remind clients to place orders by sending them an email two weeks, one week, and one day before gallery expiration.
  • Custom Date-Based Email Campaigns: This type of campaign allows you to choose specific dates to automatically send emails. These work best for special occasions like anniversaries or holidays, where each email can be scheduled to be sent on a specific date. For example, to promote a week-long holiday sale ending on November 20th you might send an email on November 15th, 17th, and then a final reminder on the 19th.

Create an Email Campaign

  1. Go to Studio > Email > Campaigns > New Email Campaign

  2. Choose which type of campaign you'd like to make
  3. Give the campaign a name 

  4. Complete the necessary information:

    • Email template - Choose the template you'd like to start with (you can add more emails later!)
    • Trigger Type (Trigger-based Campaign) - Choose to send the emails before or after various dates set in the gallery
    • Trigger Days (Trigger-based Campaign) - Choose the number of days for the trigger above
    • Trigger Date (Date-based Campaign) - Choose the date that the email will be sent on 
    • Recipients - Choose the type of gallery visitor that will receive this email or send it to only the Linked Contact
    • Check the box next to Copy Studio on Sent Emails to receive the email as well

  5. Click Create Campaign

  6. To add another email to this campaign, click More Actions >Add Email and repeat the above steps for every email you'd like sent in this campaign

  7. When you're finished with the campaign, click Assign to Gallery to choose a gallery or galleries whose visitors you'd like to email

Email Campaign Tips & Tricks

  • If you choose to set your template to send today, but your Send Time is set earlier in the day, you will be prompted to pick a time in the future. 

  • If you plan to use the same email campaign for more galleries moving forward, you may consider adding it to one of your Gallery Presets. Learn more about Gallery Presets here.

  • Email campaigns are brand-specific. If you have more than one brand in your account, you can create separate campaigns for each brand.

  • The Send Time is specific to your current brand and determines the time of the day that all campaign emails are sent. By default, campaign emails will be sent shortly after 9:00 am (in the timezone of the brand the campaign is created within).

  • Send Time refers to the time the emails will be added to the email queue. If you do not see your emails sending at exactly the time you choose, don't worry, they will be sent shortly!

  • Before making changes to an existing campaign, consider the galleries that the campaign is assigned to. If you add emails to a series or make adjustments to a series that is already in use, those galleries may be affected.