Cart Discounts give free shipping or a dollar or percentage amount off of your client's entire purchase. These discounts can be set up to offer different discount levels at different tiers. For example, you can set up a discount for $10 off of orders between $50 and $100 and then $15 off of orders between $101 and $150 or even just free shipping on orders over $100.
Cart Discounts can be Automatic or Promo Code-based. Automatic discounts apply to all eligible items in a cart automatically, while Promo Code discounts require that the client enter a Promo Code in the cart or at checkout in order to receive the discount.
Cart discounts are compatible with packages.
Create a Cart Discount
- Go to Store > Price Sheets
- Select the price sheet where you’d like to add the discount
- Click Add New Discount > Create in line with Cart Discount
- Choose whether it is an Automatic or Promo Code discount
- Select if you want to give free shipping or a dollar or percentage amount
- If doing a dollar amount or percentage off, set the price range you want the discount to apply to and the discount amount
- If you want the discount to apply regardless of what they spend, set a large range, such as from $0 to $10,000.
- To add another tier, click the Add Range button.
- Click Save