Offering discounts can incentivize clients to make purchases. ShootProof gives you the power to create multiple types of discounts with the flexibility to offer them automatically or require a promo code.
Create a Discount
To add a discount to a price go to:
- Store > Price Sheets
- Select the price sheet where you’d like to add a discount
- Click Discounts > Add New Discount
Discount Types
There are six types of discounts:
- Item Discount - Gives a discount on specific items
- Group Discount - Gives a discount on all items in a specific group
- Multi-item Discount - Gives a discount based on a specific combination of items
- Buy Something, Get Something (BOGO) - Gives a discount on a specific item or set of items triggered by when your client purchases another item or set of items
- Cart Discount- Give a discount on the entire order (shopping cart)
- Credit Discount - Give a discount for a credit amount or free shipping
Discounts that apply to individual items are not compatible with Packages, since items in packages are likely already discounted. Using item-based discounts with Packages can result in discount stacking, which could potentially leave you with little or no profit.
If a discount type is not compatible with Packages, the description will indicate it on this page. Price sheets that include Packages can still take advantage of Cart and Credit discounts.
To learn how to set up each discount type, click the links above.
Automatic versus Promo Code
When creating a discount, you must choose whether the discount is an Automatic or Promo Code-based* discount.
Automatic discounts apply as soon as the requirements for the discount are met, without the need for a client to enter a code.
Promo Code discounts require your client to enter a code in order to receive the discount. Promo code fields can be found both on the Shopping Cart and Checkout pages. Using a Promo Code is best in cases where you want to offer a discount to a smaller group of people or just one person in particular.
Promo Code discounts can optionally have an expiration date. If you indicate an expiration date, the discount will no longer be available to clients after 11:59 p.m. on the date of expiration. These discounts can also optionally be limited to a certain number of overall uses.
Once you determine whether the discount will apply automatically or require a promo code, you can continue setting up the specific requirements for that discount type. To learn more about the setup of each discount type, click the links in the Discount Types section.
*Credit discounts can only be made with a Promo code
Helpful Tips
- TEST your discounts to be sure they're working the way you intended.
- When you limit the use of a discount, the limit applies to the number of times the discount can be used in total, not the number of times per customer or per cart.
- In the shopping cart, if you have multiple discounts that are applicable, the discount that is the best value to the customer will be applied.
- It can be helpful to read the discount description that is auto-generated aloud to make sure it clearly conveys what the discount does.
- The computer is very literal, so if set up a discount to buy 5 prints for $10 each, your client will need to buy exactly 5 prints for that discount to apply.
- Discounts cannot be stacked. This means that once certain items qualify the client for one of your discounts, those same items cannot be used to qualify them for another discount.
- Your client CAN use a Credit-type discount with another discount, and can also use multiple Credit-type discounts on one order.