What is an Item Discount and how do I set one up?

  • Updated

An Item Discount gives your client a discount on certain items. You can set this discount up so that they have to buy a certain amount of that item to receive the discount. You can also use this discount to give clients a set number of this item for free. 

Item discounts can be Automatic or Promo Code based. Automatic discounts apply to all eligible items in a cart automatically, while Promo Code discounts require that the client enter a Promo Code in the cart or at checkout in order to receive the discount. 

Create an Item Discount

  1. Go to Store > Price Sheets

  2. Select the price sheet where you’d like to add the discount

  3. Click Add New Discount > Create in line with Item Discount

  4. Choose whether it is an Automatic or Promo Code discount

  5. Select the item(s) you'd like to discount and click Next

  6. Set up the discount requirements

    • Set how many items they will need to purchase to get the discount. 
    • Choose if the discount will be a dollar amount or percentage off, a specific price for each, or make the items free.
    • Optionally set a limit on how many times the discount can be applied per checkout. If left blank, the client can use it as many times as applicable per checkout.

  7. Click Save

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