How do I organize photos in a gallery?

  • Updated

When you upload photos in your galleries, they are displayed in alphanumeric order by default, but you have multiple options for sorting them once they're uploaded.

Sort Photos

To sort alphabetically, go to Sort by > Filename A-Z or Filename Z-A.

To sort photos by timestamp, go to Sort by > Timestamp Old-New or Timestamp New-Old.

To randomize your photos, go to Sort by > Random.

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Rearrange Photos

To sort photos in a custom order, drag and drop the photos into the order you'd like. If the photo has a blue frame, that means it's selected.

(Pro-tip: to sort photos in batches select the first photo and hold down the Shift key while selecting the last photo. All of the photos in between will be selected.)

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Use Albums

You can sort your photos into albums, which are like folders or groups of photos within a gallery. For example, if the Smith Wedding is your gallery, you might have albums for Ceremony, Reception, etc. For a sporting event, a photographer might set up albums for each team, game, and/or day of a tournament.

Learn more about using Albums and their benefits here: Using Albums