Why aren't my photos uploading?

  • Updated

Having trouble uploading photos into your ShootProof account? Check these three factors to troubleshoot your uploads:

Upload Speed

Your upload speed plays a big role in your upload success and is often the cause of uploading issues. A slow upload speed can cause a lag in upload, as well as dropped files. You can check your upload speed by going to www.speedtest.net. For the best-uploading results, you need an upload speed of 10 Mbps or higher. If you are experiencing a low upload speed, try restarting your router.

We also recommend trying our Desktop Uploader, which will pause an upload if the upload speed is too low and resume it once it is better. 

File Types 

ShootProof supports JPEG files up to 50MB in size. If any other file types, or files that are too large, are included in your upload, that can cause issues. Also, make sure there aren't any special characters in your file names, as those are not supported.

Your Browser 

Sometimes you may have information cached in your browser or browser extensions that can interfere with your upload. If your upload speed is good and there are no issues with your files, try uploading again in an incognito/private window or use a different browser entirely. Using the Desktop Uploader would also help with any uploading issues caused by your browser. 


Still experiencing uploading issues? Reach out to our Support Team at support@shootproof.com!